Wednesday, March 5, 2008

For love of the game


We have been playing together for as early as 2000 for some of us... While this team has only been playing on field regular since last year, we have been with each other for at least 5 years.
I couldn't help but wonder at times, why we can't play as a team at times. This problem has been bugging me for quite a while...

I have decided give my opinions on several issues.. However, pls believe me that my intend is to get to the root of the problems and help the team move on forward.. it is not to finger point...

1. Passion for the game - No doubt everyone has their way of showing their commitments and fighting spirit during a game, but sometimes I just feel not everyone is giving their all. All referring to the focus, concentration, the hunger to win, the hunger to get the ball. I just don't feel that we want to win the game, in fact sometimes I feel we are just contended to run the game down. I know and accept that its my responsibility to inspire you guys.. hence the rentless runnings at times. Even if i know i run after a loss cause, i feel its worthy if it can inspire u all to carry on fighting.

2. Scoring goals - Yes I know it feels great to score. Everyone who plays this game knows the best feeling is to score. However, I plead with everyone to know their roles and importance. Some of you might think the scorers get all the acclaims and credits while u all do the dirty and unwanted work and don't feel appreciated.. For that, I wish to clarify this once and for all.. Some of us all stronger in certain attributes but weaker in certain aspects..for example, i know my limitations lies in my close control and shooting.. but i also know my strengths... my pt is..when we 1st started out, we place everyone in positions according to their strengths and not preferences. I feel it should be the way, otherwise where is the controlling of the game? where wld the dynamics and the potency of our team be?
You might think defenders are not as important as the strikers or the midfielders...but thats never true.. Anyone playing football week in week out can tell u, that every single position in the team is impt.. otherwise, why do we need 11 players? I firmly believe that if you strive to give ur best in whichever position you play in, u can be a hero anywhere. As for the goals, don't worry so much...if possible we try to let everyone score.. and if we manage to dominate and lead a game, we will rotate our position.. but for now, lets concentrate on our roles ok?

3. Fitness - it shouldn't be a chore guys.. I know how tiring it can get..believe me.. when i do my run every tuesday.. i feel damn slack and draggy.. but i know it will pay off for me in the future games.. Please try to keep yourself fit ..its for ur own good too..warm ups are a must,.. try to do basic stretch.. i dun want anymore injuries.. smokers.. i wun stop u but try to cut down or smoke earlier and not smoke and not do warm ups before the doesn;t show unity in the sense..

4. Team Selection and substitution - I try to play everyone equally as much as possible.. but depending on the match and tactics, i have to make certain calls.. its not telling anyone that he is lousy nor is it biased on my part.. Fitness, game play, form, game attitude and linking up with team are some of the aspects that i consider... try to be understanding on this part..

5. Team spirit - We started out not knowing each other well.. but after so long together, we ought to be very close. I can say you guys are all my important friends in my social circle. The game is like a war, and you guys are my comrades. I am counting on you to watch my back, support me, help me, fight by my side. Conversely, I will be watching your back, supporting u, helping u and fight by urside. There's no point in finger pointing, blaming and passing the buck.If we lose, we lose as a team. Remind each other, advise each other, help each other.. not grunt, not blame. If you try to beat the defenders on your own, I will support you..but dun be too proud to not accept my support and try to dribble on ur own everytime.. look up, look beside.. sometimes its faster to pass den to dribble. We should work as a unit, a team.. and we must work as one.

With that I urge u all to be understanding and responsive. Stand up and be counted!

I will be looking forward to the coming games and emerge victorious!

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