Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Match Re-scheduled

RE: Match on Thurs, 20th nov.

Due to late confirmations, the tamp safra slot has already been taken. We were suppose to play against a team of 17-19 year olds. The match has been re-scheduled to the 29th Dec, Mon, 2100-2300. The booking will be made this friday, unless i get any objections.



Monday, November 17, 2008


Match on Thurs night


Tamp Safra.

Pls reply to Reuben by Tue night. If no confirmation of at least 14 ppl, match is off.



Monday, November 10, 2008

Do u wanna play??


We don't have any match arranged for this coming wkend. KS and JQ will not be in town this wkend to org any match for us. Due to poor response for the sat 3pm game, it has been cancelled. Should any of you have any other lobangs, pls post it on the MAIN BLOG, should there be no lobangs, we will take a week's break.



Treasury Updates

As of last match,

Total Funds : $30
4 Bottles of 100+ : $7.20
2 bottles of mineral water: $2.40

Funds Left: $20.40

IOU - Alex: $10

Having me as your treasurer: Priceless

There are some things money cant buy, for everything else, we all can juz dream!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Match Day Sat 8 November 2008


Dear all

pls note upcoming match is on 8 November 2008 Saturday

Time is from 11am - 1pm

Venue : Yishun blk 367 fields! !!!! off yishun ring road, near yishun st 31 and north view secondary school

Time to reach is 1030am

colour to wear : blue

pls take note.

my mistake here. +) sorry guys

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

By-default Loanshark Speaks

Hi Guys,

As per KS' earlier update, I dunno how I kena "arrow" to become the by-default treasurer with secondary position of water-boy cum ice-box provider, but anyway since the money is with me, I'll do a short update.

I will buy a standard of 3 bottles of 100+, 1.5L for every match as our current attendance for matches is about 11-12 people. So if there are more people, more bottles will be bought. But we need to establish what is the number in attendance before deciding how many bottles to buy to prevent wastage.

Each bottle will cost $1.80, unless anyone knows some other place which is cheaper.

So KS and JQ must let me know in advance the attendance so I can prepare the drinks in advance. And if in any event I cannot make it for the match, KS please settle and claim the money from me. Haha.

Any violent objections?

KS : dun worry i help u settle the accounting part just let me know how much u spend per week and i'll do the updating on the blog so the monies can be accountable to all.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Updates - Treasury

Current state of treasury : $30
Funds in hand : $19
Chunseng - $1
Alex - $10

Those owing monies, pls make payment to our loanshark cum treasurer Sherman =)

le petit prince =)