Tuesday, November 4, 2008

By-default Loanshark Speaks

Hi Guys,

As per KS' earlier update, I dunno how I kena "arrow" to become the by-default treasurer with secondary position of water-boy cum ice-box provider, but anyway since the money is with me, I'll do a short update.

I will buy a standard of 3 bottles of 100+, 1.5L for every match as our current attendance for matches is about 11-12 people. So if there are more people, more bottles will be bought. But we need to establish what is the number in attendance before deciding how many bottles to buy to prevent wastage.

Each bottle will cost $1.80, unless anyone knows some other place which is cheaper.

So KS and JQ must let me know in advance the attendance so I can prepare the drinks in advance. And if in any event I cannot make it for the match, KS please settle and claim the money from me. Haha.

Any violent objections?

KS : dun worry i help u settle the accounting part just let me know how much u spend per week and i'll do the updating on the blog so the monies can be accountable to all.

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