Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunday Game 3pm 21st June 2009

Sunday Game is on for 21st June 2009

Time to reach 230pm
venue: Broadrick Secondary, off dakota crescent near Old Airport Road
Colour to wear: YELLOW
opponents are in black

anyway, some things to take note of the last game.

overall i think we played well as a team and we could have prolly scored more than the 1 goal winning margin. but there's something that we need to take note of, which is the way we react to provocation. i know we want to show how tough we are sometimes, but in a game like this, where every point counts, it would be wiser, to just earn the foul, or provoke the opponent by 'fouling' him rather than using physical action to do so. means, after a 'foul' or provokation, we walk away from the event, instead of say 'spitting' or 'fighting' or provoking the opponent further. why. becos, sometimes, mindgames work better than physical action. so smile at the opponent and infuriate him further, but dun try to fight or return the action. you will realize that it puts him off, and he will try to get at u, and the next time he does it, just dive and frustrate him further, and get up and smile at him after the referee blows the foul. it works for me all the time. =D

so let's cut out the unneccesary stuff in our game and instead focus on messing them up in their minds. =D

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