Monday, June 30, 2008

Red Tide: Unido 1-0 Malay Team

Seems like Sunday morning games always start late. And it also seems like Sunday games bring about the most injuries, be it due to accidents or foul play. Yesterday's game was no exception, save for a serious incident that marred the victory we scored over the opponents, who seemed to be more interested in shoving, elbowing and assorted foul play over enjoying a proper kickabout.

We adopted the same, one-wing formation that brought us success against the Sepoys, but it was not very effective as the opponents were quick, and managed to cut out a few passes before they reached the wings. But long balls forward caught them out a few times, and it was only due to some poor finishing by Alex that we did not trouble the goalkeeper too much.

The opponents were quick on the break as well, but resorted to foul play as we took the ball off them and cleared our lines. Although they showed some great skill and ball control, the game was marred by some disgraceful shoves and reckless tackles that would have drawn yellow, or even red cards, in competitive matches. As such, credit to the referee who spotted the dirty tricks as the opponents tried their best to feign innocence.

A horrendous error resulted in our one goal. Seng released JLo on one of his marauding runs down the flank, and he slid a low cross into the box. The keeper fumbled under a challenge from Alex, who gleefully tucked the ball into the net from close range.

The pushing and tackles came fast and furious, and Leslie was the first casualty, having to go off after being sandwiched by the keeper and a defender's shove resulted in a twisted knee. I was next, falling victim to a knock on the ankle during a 50-50 challenge. The most serious came in the second half, as again, in a 50-50 challenge for a high ball, the opponent's knee slammed into JQ's lip, resulting in a split lip which required stitches at the hospital.

Nevertheless, the remaining 11 players (including an injured Leslie who played through the pain) gave their all, and despite Seng's best efforts to allow the opponents a way back into the game with his 10-minute spree of crazy passes, we managed to hold out for a scrappy 1-0 win.

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