Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Relinquish of the post of "Captain"


From the next match on, KS will be in charge of the Tactics, Subs and all coaching matters for our future matches.

This is an arrangement made to appease the increasing unhappiness voices among the team.

I wish to clarify that this is not some spiteful knee jerk reaction nor is it an act of protest from me. I do not wish to rock the boat but I do feel the need to address some issues.

I love to play football. Win or Lose, I find meaning in it which I can relate to life. To some of you I might take it too seriously, to some of you I might be some butt of your jokes.
I will be the 1st to admit that my knowledge of football is limited especially in the tactics department. I don't think many of us would possess greater knowledge than what we learnt from our own experiences, watching Football on Tv, Winning 11 or even FM.
Tactics may be important but more importantly, its the players who play the game. Skills, Fitness, Techniques are just some of the most critical aspects of the game. However the most important aspect of all - teamwork. Football is a game for 22 men. 11 aside. One of the things of the game that thrills me the most is the way we can coordinate movements, passes and attack or defend as a unit. It is how the team work together as one.

I always hope to be the one to gel our team together, being the voice, the heartbeat to drive the team with passion. However, it has become obvious that I am not suitable for this role. To be a leader , I admit that Passion alone is not enough. In terms or fitness, Ball Sense, skills and techniques, I feel I am more than capable than many of you. However I will admit with shame that my shooting ability is less than desired and the tendency to run from box to box leave the defence empty at times. But many times I ran to cover for defence and support the attack and its a job I feel I did well without any fair recognition. I don't expect recognition for it because it is something I do for the team to win, but I don't expect to be made the scapegot for many times. If everyone can cover for themselves, would I be required to make those run? Nevertheless, I have come up with a 4 5 1 tactic to solve this problem. Though we gain dominance in the midfield, something which I enjoy very much together with ChunShen, Reuben and Sherman, I must admit it did make us a but less dangerous in attack. Basically, I think Chunshen and myself would be tired everytime we have to cover for the defence and run up to support the attack while having to control the game in the center. I feel it affects my scoring quite abit because I can't compose myself in time.. which is something that I have been trying to work on. However, this is a job of a centre midfielder, something which I love to do, because of its responsibilities. I love playing, so I don't mind playing anywhere, in fact I played in all position from GK to Striker before. I enjoy playing winger because I get to dribble and beat the man but I love my midfield role because I can dictate the play.

I play the game because I love the game. But I feel upset in recent times with some of your attitudes towards me. I give without asking for returns but please spare a thought for some of the difficulties I faced.

Something I wish to highlight so that we can make the job easier for KS:

1. Arriving on time as much as possible - for warm up and tactics
2. Replying the call asap - to facilitate the planning of squad
3. Passing up the game money asap - to help speed up the paying process
4. Not complaining on the type of drinks or lack of drinks - Drinks are bought by me and my personal contributions, there is no team fund contrary to popular beliefs, in fact I pay more many times to cover for short for. As far As i m concern, I try to buy 3 to 4 cold isotonic drinks for 14 to 16 of us.
5. Understanding that the team is made up of friends, its difficult to leave out anyone or for that matter difficult to let everyone play a full 90 or more time without having to consider the tactics, the nature of game, the previous turn out, the fitness of the players. It is most difficult for me when I have to decide which of my friends I have to choose to leave out and which of my friends I have to bench and sub.

I urge you all to be honest and ask yourselves the motives of playing for this team.

I play football because I love it. I started this team because I believe I have a group of friends who love to play as well.

But now, I feel torn because I don't believe some of you are even interested to kick about and only care about playing for matches. I agree that matches are more engaging but if you truly love to play, shouldn't playing kick abts with your friends be fun as well?
Worst of all I don't even feel I am even a friend to some of us anymore. Is this right for me? to be the no. 1 enemy for a job which I am trying to perfect as much as I can.

Sorry if I rocked the boat.
Even more sorry if I have to disappoint you, I will not quit the team, I will continue to play for as long as I can.
But I wish all of you can find the joy of the game and the sadness that comes with it. This is real sport, this is real football. I did and I will continue to.

I never recognised Unido Football Club as JQF. Its not just my team. Its also your team.

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